The Liebster Award

Thank you to my amazing best friend Chloe @ Book Dragons for tagging me!!!! I would recommend checking out her blog, and leaving her some lovely comments on her posts!

Here the rules:

Answer the 11 questions that you’ve been asked.

Nominate 11 other bloggers.

Ask your nominees 11 questions.

Let them know you nominated them.

1) If you could get any two characters from any two books and put them in a relationship/friendship who would they be?

For Friendship = Mare Barrow from Red Queen and America Singer from The Selection- as they have both been in similar positions

Relationship = August from This Savage Song and Sydney from Vicious, as they both characters that are viewed as bad but want to be good and are young and innocent.

2) Favourite song at the moment?

I have a few those being:

Something’s got to give by Camila Cabello,

New Years Day by Taylor Swift and the rest of her new album,

Worst In Me by Julia Michaels,

Let Me Down by Jorja Smith,

You are the Reason by Callum Scott

3) What’s your spirit animal? (HERE is the link to the quiz, if you want to take it too)


‘The turtle symbolism is characterized by the association with the Earth and earth symbols of groundedness and patience:

• Symbol of the world, of the Earth

• Ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos

• Slowing down, pacing yourself

• Determination, persistence

• Emotional strength and understanding

• Ancient wisdom

The turtle is also linked to the spirit of the water and the fluid nature of emotions.’

To learn more see HERE.

4) Any advice for people thinking of starting a book blog?

Well I am new to book blogging – but I would say read other people’s book blogs so you can get an understanding of what you want your blog to look like and what makes it look different to others.

5) If you had to be the sun or the moon which would you rather be?

I would rather be the moon, as you get to see people at their true form of vulnerability; as at the end of the day people are tired and so show their true feelings and emotions with their loved ones. This doesn’t have to be bad emotions – in fact it could be the opposite – people could become kinder or more romantic because they are with the people they truly care about. Also you would be able to watch – as couple have romantic nights out, parents and their children celebrate birthdays and lots of other things that happen at night time. You would also be able to see the wildlife that comes out at night, that the rest of the world don’t get to see; as well as being able to see the rise too.

6) A place you want to you go and visit/live for a while?

I want to definitely visit, but portently live for a while in Canada, New York, Australia and New Zealand (If you live in any of the places in this list please let me know, and tell me where about’s, what it is like and what I should visit there)

7) Paperbacks or Hardbacks?

I love both, but paperbacks are easier to carry around and I always carry a book with me wherever I go; because you never know when you might get a chance to read.

8) Three things you want people to know about where you live?

  1. An ice cream van comes up and stops on most of the roads in my village everyday every summer.
  2. We have a lovely cafe that bakes amazing cake in our village.
  3. We have lovely places to walk and run nearby.

9) Other than books, blogging and book related things. What other hobbies/interests do you have?

I compete in swimming competitions and train for them too; I love swimming and like reading have done since I was little. I love photography and singing too.

10) Do you have any advice for people trying to use social media to get more traffic to their blog?

This is something I am getting to grips with, but I suggest that you link all your accounts to your blog – so that when you post a blog post your social media account also sends out a message too.

11) Favourite season and why?

I have two. I love Summer, as I love the sun and the heat and the ability to go outside and where shorts and t-shirts or summer dresses and feel the sun beating down on your skin. I also love reading outside – when it’s hot and sunny – and hearing the peaceful quiet of the world as well as the sounds of the wildlife around you. I also love eating ice cream in summer too. However I also love Winter too as I love the snow – which you will know if you have read my Weekly Wrap Up #2 – and going out and playing in it and making a snowman. I also love getting cosy with the fire and a hot chocolate and reading in this season too.


1) If there was a place where you could go to stop the world and get off it for a while and relax, where would you go? What would it be like? What would be there and what would you do there?

2) What is one of your best memories from your life so far? (it doesn’t have to be related to books or reading, but it can be)

3) When you read do you picture the events of the book as images or a like a film playing inside your head?

4) Do you ever find that there is either a character or a setting (or both),in a book, that you just couldn’t picture in your head while reading it? If so – what book and what characters/settings?

5) What imaginary world from a book would you most want to live in? (if not for life then just for a holiday)

6) If you could read in another language, what language would it be?

7) Which fictional character would you like to be friends with, and why?

8) What books do you think will become known as ‘Classics’ – in the future?

9) What is your strangest book related obsession? (if you don’t have one then what is the strangest book related fact about you)

10) If you had one extra day in the week, that nobody knew about and didn’t count to your week, what would you do with it?

11) Name 5 books that you think should be taught and studied in English in schools, and should be a part of the curriculum? And do you think this will make students enjoy English more and make them want to read more books – because they are better and more recent books? (For example in UK – we study classics like Charles Dickens books, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, Shakespeare and things like that. What books should they be replaced with?)

Who I Tag

Amanda @ Chocolate Pages

Chloe @ Book Dragons

Ova @ Excuse My Reading

Beth @ Reading Every Night

Lili @ Blissful Pages

Tiffany @ Readbytiffany

Shanah @ Bionic Bookworm Blog

Franziska @ Books and Peonies

Michelle @ Chelle’s Book Ramblings

Grace @ Good Gracious

Kay @ Hammock of Books


You obviously don’t have to do this if you’ve already done it, but you can if you would like to. If you do answer these questions I hope you enjoy doing it, let me know when you have done it and I will read your post.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post. If you want to comment any other questions you have please do so in the comments, and I will answer them for you. Please like this post if you have enjoyed reading it, and if you want I would appreciate it if you went and followed my blog and checked out my other posts too.


Lost In Words


26 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

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    1. That’s ok. Are you going to do it – please don’t feel pressured to do so if you don’t want to you don’t have to? However if you do do it I look forward to reading your answers to the questions. It is amazing, as it is delicious ice cream and also because I love ice cream; I know I am very lucky?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you – if you want to answer some of/ all of the questions in either the comments or a blog post if you want to? Yes I need to buy it too. Hahaha were you, that’s funny? I am glad you liked both my questions and my answers. 😁😆

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks so much for tagging me! I recently did a very similar meme so I will pass this one unfortunately :(but I love your questions 🙂 My answer to 10 is obivous- I’d read!!!! ha ha 🙂

    And love your spirit animal 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s ok. Did you, oh that’s such a shame that’s ok though. Thank you that is very kind of you. Hahaha of course it is. Thank you. If you ever run out of ideas for a post then you can do this tag and use my questions. 😃😄😁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for tagging me. I have done this award before. I love your questions they are really imaginative. Especially interested in people’s answers about how they imagine the books in their heads. I think I have a mix of both images and a film roll.
    Your village sounds lovely. Do you live in England?


    1. That’s ok. Oh have you, are you doing it again for these questions; I understand if you don’t want to. Thank you, that is very kind of you I am glad you love them.Yes I love that one. Yes I think that happens in my head too, I think that it depends on the book and the plot. Thank you – yes it is. Yes I do.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That is ok, I can’t wait to read your answers. That sounds exciting!! I know so do I so when it said that was my spirt animal I was so happy. Yes so would I – it would be incredible to do that!!! They are!! Xx 😁😁

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much for the tag, and I loved reading your answers for these questions as well. 🙂 I would love to live in New York, but I din’t think I’d be able to live there for too long because it’s a very busy city and eventually I’d get tired of it (there’s a reason I’m glad I don’t live in the very centre of London)
    Also yes paperbacks over hardcovers any day. Don’t get me wrong I love hardcovers but when you’re trying to read on the move they’re really inconvenient to carry around with you. :/
    Great post, and again thanks so much for the tag! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is ok. I am glad you loved reading my answers for the questions. Yes I have always wanted to live in New York for a little bit. Yes I agree. Yes hardbacks are as they are a lot heavier. Again thank you, that is very kind of you. That’s ok – are you going to do the questions? You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Xx😁❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel like New York would be a great place to live for a little bit but after a while it may just become too much (at least that’s how I’d feel after a little bit). It would be too much carrying one around in your bag for too long right?
        Yeah, I’ve added this tag to my tags queue. It will likely take me a while but one day I’ll answer these questions as well. 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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